اتحاد طلبة هندسة الحاسوب والشبكات - المدونه الرسميه C.N.E : Object Oriented Programming Using Java-5

المشاركات الشائعة

Object Oriented Programming Using Java-5

Preparing Your Computer For Java Programming

Java is a cross-platform programming language. You can run Java program on any operating system.

For us, we are using Java on Microsoft Windows.
To prepare your computer for Java programming, please follow up the following steps:

To start programming using java, you should download & install the Java Development Kit (JDK). To download JDK:

visit www.oracle.com
click Downloads tab
from Popular Downloads choose Java
choose Java SE
and finally choose Java Platform (JDK) from the three available downloads

Programming using Java requires a programming environment, the most popular programming environment is Eclipse. To download Eclipse:

visit www.eclipse.org
click Downloads tab
choose the 1st download which is named Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
at Download Links you can choose the proper Windows interface (32 or 64) bits
Eclipse is a portable software means no need for installation, just download it!

Run Eclipse and perform the following to create a new project with one class:
from File choose New then Java Projectif Java Project doesn't exist in New, choose Projectand from the dialog box select Java Project then Next
in the dialog box, write your project name in the field Project name: and click Finish
right click on the project name shown in the box named Package Explorer
choose New, then Class & finally write your class name in the field Name: & press Finish
now you are able to write a java program!

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